am the only one left, and now they are trying to kill me too… [God replied]... Yet I reserve seven thousand in Israel—all whose knees have not bowed down to Baal and whose mouths have not kissed him.” (1 Kings 19:14,18)

Finding God's Perspective

As we walk through our journey following the man who hung between two criminals, life has a way of getting to us.  How we feel about a certain situation can sometimes alter the way we feel and think about ourselves.  If we are feeling alone, we may feel like no one likes us.  If we are scared, we may feel like we are being attacked.  If we are worried, being around certain people may make us feel anxious.  It is unmistakable, how we feel about ourselves directly ties to our perspective.  

Elijah was in this same situation.  Fleeing from  King Ahab, Elijah found himself underneath a broom bush begging God to take his own life.  He tried to convince God that he was the only prophet left in Israel.  A sentiment that God quickly corrected by convincing Elijah that he was one of seven thousand people who had not bowed to Baal.  

It is very important to understand that although Elijah felt hopeless, insecure and lost - he did not stay there.  He went to God, and God answered him.  He sought the council of the Lord, was raw and honest with Him, and God corrected his lie with the truth.  

As believers, we must go to God when we are feeling lost in life.  Like God did with Elijah, He will correct the lies that are taking our minds captive and set our lives ablaze to the truth of His Word.  

Today, remember this.  Going to God gives you the perspective you need to get beyond this current situation you find yourself hopeless in.  Psalms 34:4,5 encourages us by saying, “I sought the Lord, and he answered me; he delivered me from all my fears. Those who look to him are radiant; their faces are never covered with shame.”

  • Is life weighing you down today? What are some specific things that are troubling you?
  • Remember, how you feel about this situation may not be the reality. Go to God and tell him exactly how you feel.
  • Combat the lies in your life with truth, mediate on Psalms 34:4,5 and declare that God will deliver you from all of your fears today!

Jun 28, 2021
Daily Devotionals

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