

Navigating the Depths of Lukewarm Christianity: A Call to Spiritual Renewal

In the realm of Christianity, the concept of being "lukewarm" holds deep spiritual implications. While many believers are familiar with the term, understanding its significance and impact on one's faith journey is crucial. In today's post, we embark on a journey to explore the depths of lukewarm Christianity, its biblical roots, and the call to spiritual renewal that it presents.

What is Faith? Top Bible Verses On Faith

Faith has been a word that I have heard my entire life. I am sure if you are reading this that the same is true for you. It has not been until my older years in the Lord that I have grown to learn the real reasons why faith is so important. Perhaps even more important is to understand when we are not “in” faith. Being “in” faith is something, Hebrews 11:6 teaches us, that truly pleases our Heavenly Father. 

How To Pray To God Through Psalms 23

Psalms 23 is a weapon in the arsenal of a prayer warrior. Its poetic passion teaches us how to pray to God. 1 Thessalonians 5:17 says for us to "pray without ceasing." Luke 18 teaches us to be persistent in our prayers. Every day, prayer is our position of power to triumph over the powers of darkness and to release the Kingdom of Heaven into the earth.