hat does the Bible say about smoking? Does Jesus want us to quit smoking? And if so, how do we get free from addiction and sin? Let's find out!

Sin at a High Level

Sin is a word that people toss around without really thinking about what it means. Sin is any failure to live up to God's standards for us as humans, whether we know it or not. We are sinners because we all have sinned (Romans 3:23).

Sin is also something that comes from within us--it's an attitude or disposition of the heart. It isn't just an outward action (like stealing or murder), but something much deeper than that; it has to do with your thoughts and desires as well as your actions.

**If you would like to get free from sin today, I wrote a free devotional you can download easily called "Mind Makeover". Download it here.

Sins of Omission vs Commission

The Bible is clear about what sin is and how it affects us. Sin is any failure to live up to God's standards for us as humans, whether we know it or not. Our culture often makes a distinction between "sins of commission" and "sins of omission," but the Bible does not make this distinction because the line between them can be blurry at times.

Sin is any failure to live up to God's standards for us as humans, whether we know it or not.

Sin is any action that goes against God's will, whether you do something bad on purpose (commission) or fail to do something good when given an opportunity (omission). Sin also includes habits, like smoking cigarettes or drinking alcohol excessively--even though these things aren't necessarily wrong in themselves--and ways of life that run counter to God's Word: The Bible says we should be kind to everyone regardless of their race or nationality; however some people choose instead not only not being kind but also hating those different from themselves.

Smoking Goes Beyond Physical Addiction

Smoking is not just bad for you physically, it's also bad for you spiritually. Not only can smoking lead to cancer, lung disease and heart disease, but it can also cause addiction which leads to financial problems and emotional problems.

If you want to improve your life as a whole--both physically and emotionally--then quitting smoking is the best thing that you can do!

Is Smoking a Sin?

Smoking is a sin. I know that's a bold statement, but it's true. The Bible teaches us to be wise and make good choices, so when we choose something that hurts our bodies and the people around us, we are not making wise decisions. Smoking is also addictive; once you start smoking it can be hard to stop because your body becomes dependent on nicotine (the drug found in cigarettes).

Smoking has been linked with many health problems including lung cancer and heart disease--it can even cause emphysema which makes it difficult for someone who smokes to breathe properly.

What is Sin?

The word "sin" is used to describe any failure to live up to God's standards for us as humans, whether we know it or not. Sin can be any action that separates us from God or others (or both), and also harms our own bodies. It's important to note that sin is not just something done in secret; many sins are publicly visible and even celebrated by society at large! For example:

  • Smoking tobacco products
  • Drinking alcohol excessively (or at all)
  • Having an abortion

What Does the Bible Say About Sin?

"Everyone who makes a practice of sinning also practices lawlessness; sin is lawlessness." (1 John 3:4)

It is a choice we make to do what we know is wrong, even though God has clearly told us otherwise. Sin separates us from God and makes it impossible for us to live in harmony with him (Romans 3:23). Sin can be described as an addiction that we can't control or overcome on our own; it must be dealt with through Jesus Christ and his death on the cross for our sins (Romans 6:23).

What is Addiction?

Addiction is a form of sin.

Sin is anything that separates us from God, causes us to do what we know is wrong, and keeps us from the life that God offers us.

Sin is anything that separates us from God, causes us to do what we know is wrong, and keeps us from the life that God offers us.

Addiction is caused by an addiction gene that makes it hard for some people to stop using drugs or alcohol even when they want to stop. This gene can be passed down from parents who are addicts themselves or who have other problems like depression and anxiety disorders (which also cause addiction). There are other factors involved too: if you grew up in an environment where alcohol use was common, then there's more chance you'll become addicted later in life; if you started drinking early on (before age 16), then this increases your chances too; finally, having friends who use drugs or drink heavily increases the risk as well...

How Do We Get Free from Sin and Addiction?

You can't get free from addiction and sin on your own. We all need Jesus Christ to rescue us from our sins and offer life. He is the only one who can rescue us from sin, give us forgiveness, salvation and freedom from addiction.

For further reading on how to live an overcoming life free from sin, read this post about how to live a victorious life.

The Bible says that all sin is a violation of God's law. It's an offense against God and it causes us to lose relationship with Him. But the good news is that Christ rescues us from our sins and offers us life in His kingdom.

Feb 9, 2023

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