eing a musician for the past 15 years of my life, I can honestly say I know a prayer or two regarding this subject.  For most of us, prayer comes at a desperate time in our life where we are looking for clarity and supernatural strength.  Most often, prayer is a response when facing a difficult situation.  While all of these are legitimate reasons for prayer, they also speak to the type of relationship one has with God.  Prayer is supposed to be a partnership with God, not a last resort. 


Prayer Is A Partnership 

If you look at the life of Jesus, you will find that prayer was not a last resort for him. It was the opposite.  It was a dynamic partnership he had between himself and his heavenly Father.  In fact, he prayed so often that Judas knew exactly where to find him on the night he betrayed him.  

What does all of this mean for us as Christians?  It means our prayer life should not a last resort but a preemptive strike against the enemy.  When we pray, we are partnering with God on his purpose for us and for His kingdom on earth.  Bill Johnson, the pastor of Bethel Church in Redding, California, says this regarding our partnership in prayer, “Sometimes we have to pray for the answer, but sometimes we have to pray to be the answer.” 

When we pray, we are not begging for God to answer us, we are connecting with God so that we can become the answer.  This sentiment is something that is not that is being discussed mainstream around the internet.  When doing a quick google search on the subject, it seems most of the content that is out there is mundane and distant.  It’s out of touch with God and makes prayer out to be something completely different.  Prayer is not a begging or complaint session.  It’s a connecting point between your heart and the heart of a loving Father.  

Prayer For Musicians 

As a musician myself for the past 15 years, prayer has been a constant resource for me.  Leading a large group of people into the throne room of praise can be difficult, but it doesn’t have to be.  Prayer is the secret weapon for the aspiring musician or worship leader.  Instead of rehearsing the song the twentieth or thirtieth time, spend quality time in prayer.  Spending a few minutes alone with God will change the direction of your worship service and ministry.  It shouldn’t be optional.  

As musicians, so many times we think prayer should be on the back burner.  We convince ourselves that our talent and skill is what makes all the difference.  It’s not.  There are many musicians that are more talented and skilled than us.  More than the greatest musician, God desires for us to seek His heart for His people.  This is accomplished in prayer.  Now, if you are new to this type of leadership, you may be asking, “how do I pray?”  Below, I have taken some time to outline some important themes of the musician’s prayer.  When praying, always remember, you are seeking to touch the heart of God so that He can touch the heart of His people through you.  

When praying, always remember, you are seeking to touch the heart of God so that He can touch the heart of His people through you.

Prayer for Your Fellow Worship Members 

“God I come to you in the name of Jesus and declare that today will be an amazing time of worship!  I ask that your Holy Spirit would guide us into your Heavenly throne room.  I pray specifically over each musician (say their names) and ask that your hand would guide them.  Let every note resonate on earth as it is in heaven.  We have practiced and done our part, now we give this service as a praise offering to your great name.  It’s all to your glory!  Amen.” 

Prayer Over the Service

“Heavenly Father, we thank you for this amazing opportunity to lead people to Your heart. Thank you for the talent that you have bestowed upon us. We have done our part in preparation, and now give this service into your hands.  Use us today.  We don’t want today to be just another service, we want to encounter Your presence.  We long for more of you today.  Take us out of our comfort zone.  Lead us to Your heart.  We pray this music will be a witness to Your majesty today.  We ask you Lord, please bless this time today.  We desire to draw closer to you, and nothing less.  Our mission is to only serve you today.  Use us today as instruments of your peace.  We pray this in Your name, Amen.” 

Prayer Over Yourself

“God I thank you for this opportunity to lead Your people.  I focus my mind on you today.  It’s not about performance.  It’s not about the songs today.  They are all done in preparation, so I gladly sacrifice them in exchange for Your heart.  Use me today.  I am your instrument and am here to serve your people. Baptize me today in Your majesty and love.  Let my music be a witness to your glory today. I love you.  Let this all be done in your name today!  It’s all to your glory, amen.”


Leading Your Team In Prayer

Pray is the secret weapon for all musicians. Spending a few moments in prayer before the service will make all the difference. When leading music in the past, I have always set aside time for my team to get together for prayer. Not only is it a great time to connect to God, but it’s also a great opportunity to connect to people. I hope this blesses you today.  If you would like more resources for your own personal prayer life, click here. I have outlined a ton of prayer guides to help increase your prayer life.



Mar 28, 2020

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